Entangle Messenger APKs

Secure messaging for a quantum world.
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Entangle Messenger
Update Date
16 Aug, 2023
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⇣ 16413
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Mô tả

For the first time, mobile users don’t have to decide between stable communication and secure communication. Entangle is the world’s first open source, post-quantum, securely encrypted messenger.

The rise of quantum computing will render many of yesterday’s secure messaging applications vulnerable - intercepted communications will be decrypted and read by third-parties. Entangle aims to get ahead of the curve by integrating post-quantum, secure algorithms into an open-source messaging app.

At its core, Entangle lets you talk to friends, family, and colleagues just as you always have – by sending text messages, images, videos, or connecting via voice call. All while new, cutting edge, post-quantum encryption ensures the security of your conversations. Create a group or message one-on-one knowing you’re protected.

For more information or to reach out, go to our website at: https://entanglemessenger.org/


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